June 11th had arrived. It was my due date and I had made it to 40 weeks pregnant. Something I never thought I would see this pregnancy walking around 4cm/80% effaced and Mila sat at a 0 station for 2 weeks in my second pregnancy. I had a midwife appointment and things were still what they were the weeks before. I was never discouraged as I knew my body was gearing up and my little miss just wasn't quite ready and I was okay with that. I guess I was just antsy and was so curious to see how everything goes was going to happen. I questioned everything. How long will labor be? Will I be able to get my water birth? How big will she big? What will she look like? Well you get the point. After my appointment I asked a few last minute questions and hoped Jane would be the midwife on call to help deliver Mila into the world. I took it upon myself to spend as much time as possible with Liam. We had a park date and even picked out a few new toys together. I was starting to get really emotional knowing he wasn't going to be my only baby. Contractions had really picked up that evening as well as a back ache and cramping. I knew it wouldn't be much longer so I tried to rest as much as possible. The next day June 12th, I nested and did as much stuff as I could around the house and was sure to rest up and spent time with Pat and Liam. I also told Pat that day to start his 2 week FMLA leave as I felt and had felt the last month of my pregnancy she would be born on the strawberry full moon on Friday the 13th. Liam too was a full moon baby and while it's just a myth, I believe in it fully. So the car was ready, bags were packed, and now I awaited the next day to see if my intuition was right.
It was Friday June 13th. I awoke at around 4am, as I did with Liam's labor, to more intense cramps and a backache. I also noticed I started to lose more plug and have my show. I tried to get comfortable in bed with the boys but I needed to move and allow gravity to play it's part in labor. I carried the body pillow and heating pad downstairs and put them onto the chase section of the couch. I was unable to get more rest because I knew today was the day. I wanted to speed things along and not stall them so instead of lying on the couch I began to bounce on the ball and do squats. I texted and messaged a few friends and began to tell myself I'm not crazy this is truly happening. Contractions began getting longer and stronger. I paged the midwife for the first time around 6:30 am and let her know how I was feeling. She then told me I didn't sound in pain and that it was probably the start of labor but not to ignore my body. She said rest and eat while you can and she said she would call me in 2 hours. After I got off the phone with Jane I began to meal prep for Liam and called my mom and told her to come on over. I also snacked on watermelon and berries. I sipped on some cinnamon bun tea and honey and just let my body do its thing. During contractions I would brace myself onto the counter or table, hang my head and just hum. During my breaks I would resume to singing along with I heart radio, and continue cooking Liam's Mac and Cheese for his lunch. I found comfort listening to Tracy chapman radio. I have always loved her music and sound. "Baby can I hold you" came on and so did my emotions. It was very likely I would get to hold my baby girl tonight. I smiled and became teary eyed and kept about my duties in the kitchen.
My mom then arrived with a cup of ice water from Starbucks. Being a mother she wore a look herself as she look at me in pain. She had worries but I didn't want any of those in my head so I stayed in my mindset...which takes you out of this world when you are in labor and you don't mean to but you shut out things around you and focus on yourself and how to keep calm. We chatted and just hung out around the house. The midwife then called and I told her my surges were more frequent, longer, and stronger but not in a pattern. She told me she believed I was in labor and wanted to meet at the birth center about 10:30 to check me and possibly break my water. My mom called my sister to head on over as she was going to watch Liam while my mom, pat and myself were gone. The boys were still upstairs sleeping and it was now about 9. I heard a loud bang and realized it was Liam who had fallen off the bed. The poor boy was fine but I began smothering him with love as these where the last hours of just him. I told Pat it was baby day and he went about his morning as I got Liam some cereal and put on Disney junior. I was still laboring at home and getting things and myself ready for the day. My sister arrived with Kendal and it was time to go. Tears rushed down my face as I picked up Liam and told him that I loved him so much and would be bringing baby home. This was the last moment I had with him as an only child. We took a family photo and it was to the birth center.
The car ride was quiet. I was all emotions and sniffles. This day I waited for since October 2nd was finally here. I would be meeting my sweet little june bug today. I only had one contraction the whole car ride and I just sat through it. We pulled up and brought in our bags and met our birthing assistant Gabby and Jane the midwife in the birthing suite. She checked me and I was at 6cm and 90% effaced and Mila was below engaged at a +1 station. Jane told me this was indeed labor and that we should go about breaking my water. We discussed the pros and cons and she showed me the tool and before I knew it there went my water. It was clear and I had plenty. I insisted on walking over to Starbucks but jane told me to hang around a bit and wait for contractions to start. Now Pat this whole pregnancy had joked of a 2 hour labor and it was one I laughed at having had an 18 hour labor with Liam. I was prepared for 6-8 hours maybe. What was about to happen shocked me. I got my first contraction since having my water broke in the doorway. I leaned into it and just hummed and moaned and stood still. They really intensified and I had to throw myself onto the bed. Gabby put Norah Jones on for background music and although I really don't like her, I found it relaxing. To be honest I probably only heard it a few seconds. I now lay face down into a pillow with pat rubbing my back with the tennis ball. Surges where very frequent and very strong and the midwife suggested I stay and labor in the suite and not venture over to Starbucks and sound like whatever I sounded like in labor. My mom walked over and grabbed me another ice water for labor. Jane just by the sound of my mother's song during contractions, told gabby to fill the tub and my mom to ready the video camera. I know I only had 4cm to go but was I an hour into labor and already so close to meeting Mila?
The midwife told me to find comfort in the tub. It was warm and very soothing. They helped me in as Pat changed into his swim trunks. I changed positions every break I had as I could not find one that I found comfort in. Gabby applied cold towels to my face and neck and Pat offered me ice water in between every contraction. Throughout this time I was in transition and everything is blurry from here on out. I began to get hot and hopped out of the tub. Jane checked me at 9cm almost 10cm and fully effaced. I just had a tiny lip of cervix that needed to move to a long Mila into the birthing canal. She suggested the birthing stool to let gravity work with my surges. This part of it all was probably the worst. Every other contraction, I began to start bearing down little bits at a time while Jane would manually move the lip of cervix out of the way. It was extremely painful but after about 15 minutes Jane told me to get into the tub. I had no sense of time nor did I know what time it was. Surges were so frequent and painful I didn't want to move from where I was at. I was then walked to the tub.
Pat sat on the ledge as I laid my head back into his lap and he held my shoulders. I held his thighs to brace myself up into a crab walk/ squatting position in the tub. I was never coached to push I just did so when it felt right. Pushing felt so good but with it comes more pain. I felt Mila coming down and out. Jane told me I made labor look good. She said something along the lines of shiny hair and rose cheeks. Again I had tunnel vision and hearing and that's all I remember. Pat and my mom also complemented me during my whole labor but I was to focused to respond so I would usually nod or moan. So back to pushing...it was in these last few minutes that I would be pregnant. It was coming to an end. I was focused on my prize. My sweet Mila. Each push I could feel her. I finally heard I see her head. I wish I could remember more of this moment but it's a blur...but I do have video footage! A few pushes later and there she was at 12:40pm- less then 2 hours after arrivimg at the birth center and getting my water broken. So Pat's 2 hour labor joke he told me my whole pregnancy was no joke. It became reailty. I lifted her up out of the water. All I could say was "oh my god oh my god". I had to register what I had just accomplished. I had done it and finally gotten my water birth. It was ever typing I could have asked for. I stare at my baby girl covered in vernix with a head full of hair! I remember saying "she's so cheesy"! I began to cry happy tears and my husband gave me sweet kisses. My mother stand back smiling and taking pictures and telling me things I don't recall because I was in the euphoric moment. Something that cannot be explained but only felt. They had to get Mila's lungs going but she let out her first cry. Jane then massaged my belly and it was time to deliver my placenta nd out it came within 15 minutes. I sit there in the tub and snuggle Mila as her cord continues to pulse. The midwife even told me to feel it and that was pretty awesome. My mom cut her cord and it was to the bed to get Mila and I comfortable and checked out.
I tore right alongside where I did with Liam as Mila too was born with her hand at her head. It was not avoidable but I didn't need stitches! Pat held Mila as I got my vitals checked and then I started to breastfeed Mila. Pat went out and got me a Starbucks blueberry scone in which I inhaled along with gatorade. It was time to get Mila checked out. She had an Apgar score of 9 and everything looked great! Now came measuring her and her weight. Now this pregnancy I had only gained 32 lbs and hardly showed for it. I still have no idea where I hid Mila. She was 8 lbs 8ozs and 22 inches long! A big baby and weighed more and was longer then Liam. I was shocked! We passed everything on the to go home list at the birth center and after just 3 1/2 hours at the birth center we headed home with our sweet girl. Mila has been a great newborn. She is a great nurser and loves her beauty sleep. I'm already getting 3-4 hour stretches and about 6-8 hours a night with 2 tandem nursing kids in our king bed! Yep, I'm nursing 2 and bed sharing with 2! It's work but it's so sweet to see Liam interact with his sissy as they both nurse. We are finally getting the hang of things with 2 kids. Everyone has been so helpful and my recovery has been speedy. I seriously do not feel I just gave birth but still need rest to recover even though I feel like superwoman. I just have 12lbs to lose and I'm only 10 days postpartum. I can button size 5 jeans and hope to be in my size 3's very soon. So in all I look and feel great for just having had a big baby! So there you have it. The story of me bringing our sweet girl into this world. Things could have not been more perfect. I plan on editing and sharing some of her birth as well to help encourage and empower woman. Show them what they are capable of. To embrace childbirth and pregnancy and not fear it. To inspire. To surrender. ♡
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