Patrick had taken me on many dates. So the order is just a blur, but there were so many great ones I have to write out that tell our story. Him and I were stuck like glue and crazy about each other. We worked full time all week and spent every second of the weekend together. Seattle was a favorite spot for us to get out and go to. The indian summer we had been having was turning into fall. He would pick me up and we would just drive and spontaneously decide what to do. Alki beach became a favorite and we spent a lot of time there. As Pat and I grew closer we ultimately had a decision to make. He had orders to PCS, which means permanent change of duty station, from Fort Lewis to Fort Stewart in just a little over a month. We would walk around the beach, find a spot in the grass and watch the day go by and the sun go down talking about everything and what was to become of us.

With all this serious talk being jumbled around your probably wondering when we got serious. It was a cool night on the beach. We stared at the city lights and and headed for the car to head back to my place. There was a dock and I decided to go down closer to the water before we left. Patrick followed. My mind couldn't take all these thoughts. I had to get rid of one of them. Patrick then came up behind me wrapping his arms around me and we stood there on the dock as the water crashed about. I had waited weeks for a kiss and I just couldn't resist. I turned around, threw my arms over his shoulders, and kissed him. It was the perfect moment. The wind picked up, and the moon and city lights looked so much brighter. We both wore smiles, grabbed hands and headed toward the car.
The ride home was quiet. It was late and my thoughts consumed me and I figured his did as well. I sat there thinking many things. Was this real? What am I to do? What is to become of us? We pulled up to my place. It was late and Pat and I were both tired but I didn't want our night to end. I leaned over and kissed him again and couldn't stop myself. I was addicted to him and I don't think I could have slept without him from now on. I then asked if he wanted to stay at my place. He gladly replied yes. We settled in and got comfortable. We had pillow talk and we agreed not to rush into anything more. He had never pressured me or done anything to go to far and I loved that about him. He wasn't like most guys. We snuggled and fell asleep in each others arms.

As I said earlier we loved spending time in Seattle. Our next date was to the Space Needle. I am deathly afraid of heights but I agreed to go anyway. It was a beautiful sunny day just perfect for going up to the top and looking out miles and miles. Patrick of course made fun of me being scared of heights. The elevator ride was the least of my fear. My fear was going out and looking about. We opened the door to the observation deck to be greeted by a huge gust. We then walked around, took pictures, and just looked out as far as we could see. My hair continued to be tossed about as it was very windy. As scared as I was I had such a great time. We walked around the city that day and headed for dinner. Pat wouldn't tell me where we were going. We stopped at a beach in Point Defiance and took more pictures and talked about the future more until our reservation time came close. I don't remember the name of the place but it was water front and so romantic. Any dream date I had, if I would have had any, would have never been as good as the ones Patrick took me on.

We continued to spend every second we could with each other. Pat stayed at my place more, and I even stayed with him on Fort Lewis a few times. Weeks past and one particular night at his place we were hanging in his room watching transformers. Lost in talk, we had thrown around what was to come of us in the coming month. He was moving to Georgia. I had a family, and a great job. Though love makes you do crazy things, I could never imagine leaving all that behind. But the way Patrick cared for me and treated me blew my mind and I never imagined that. I kept an open mind to what was going to become of us. Later that night, he wrapped his arms firmly around my waist, brought me in for a kiss, looked me into the eyes, and said the three words. "I love you". I lit up like a christmas tree. I knew he meant it even though it had been a short few weeks since we met. "I love you too,"I said with a smile on my face. I meant it when I said those three words. It was just the thought of us only being together a few weeks that hesitated me. I didn't want to scare him away or make him feel awkward as things between us were so dreamy.
In between all the dates, dinners, and time spent at each others places, Patrick and I had fallen in love.
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