The second date.
Things in my life had been going so swell. I had no complaints. Patrick and I continued to talk, and it wasn't long before we started hanging out at each others places. We would text all day at work and he would come to my place to just spend time with me next to the fireplace as we smoked hookah. We learned so much about each other in such a short time. Patrick and I didn't rush into anything and we took things slow. He was different in that way and I felt respected like a woman should be. We had only locked hands a couple times, snuggled a bit, and he even managed to slip some forehead kisses onto me. It was mostly all smiles and laughs. He really knew how to treat a girl. We continued to go on small dates such as movies and dinners weekly. Patrick always made an effort to go above and beyond and he continued to do so...
So while we had our small dates, he had been tossing around the idea of visiting Friday Harbor for the day. I agreed to the adventure and it was another date! This would be considered our second date and after our first date I was very impressed. I don't think Patrick counted the small dinner and movies as dates but as treats and his pleasure. Saturday came around. We woke up early, he picked me up, and we headed up to Anacortes. It was an overcast cool Washington day. We both were bundled up and dressed comfortably. We listened to country music the ride up and just enjoyed each others presence as we always did when we hung out. I had lived in Washington my whole life and Patrick took me to do things and took me to places I had never been to or done before. We pulled up to the ferry terminal, parked, got our tickets, and boarded the big boat. It had been years since I had been on a ferry so I guess you could say I was like a kid in the candy store. Plus there was something very romantic about a boat date...must be that scene in Titanic on the front of the boat. A girl can dream right?
We found a booth and sat until the ferry got going. Then we walked around a bit, took some pictures, and went out front. It didn't last to long as it was chilly, windy and my nose and cheeks were bright red. We went back to the booth and just enjoyed the scenery or the islands, other boats, and the water as we headed for Friday Harbor. After about 45 minutes we pulled up to the dock and got off the ferry. The sun was trying to peer through the heavy fog and clouds but no such luck yet. I had no idea what we were going to do spending the whole day here. Patrick lead me into a building that read "Whale Watching". I smiled and wanted to slap myself to wake me from this dream I had felt like I had been living, but it wasn't a dream. I was just a very lucky girl. This was going to be an adventurous date and I couldn't wait.
We went in and got information on the whale watching tours that day. We chose to go with a zodiac boat tour that was leaving in an hour opposed to waiting a few for a nicer boat. We walked around the shop looking at shirts, keychains, and post cards for sale waiting for our tour to fill up with more people. It wasn't long before the boat was full and we could get going. Patrick then dropped $400 dollars to pay for our adventure. The handed us floatation suits to put on and we went to the dock, got on the boat and went over safety information. I looked ridiculous in this floatation suit. It was bright orange and was so padded. He just giggled and smiled and took a ton of pictures of me. We departed in the zodiac boat and headed north. I held Pat's hand and enjoyed the cool, crisp wind blow past me. After about 25 minutes, we pulled up to a stretch of an island where we saw sea lions, and eagles. Patrick took pictures as I sat there being a girl tapping his shoulder saying things like "awww" and "look how cute". He must have enjoyed that.
We later headed to where the whales had been spotted. It was still cloudy and cool and the sun hadn't yet made its way through. We took a few pictures together as we hadn't seen any whales yet. Excitement started to build up on the boat as we finally saw our first whale in the distance. It was so pretty. We got closer and one whale turned into a few, and then a few turned into a few pods. We probably saw thirty or more whales. Some jumped out of the water, but most of them spouted and brought their dorsal fins up. We even had one right next to our boat that swam and came up right next to me! I was three feet away from an orca whale. It was amazing and something I had never experienced before. The sun had started to peer out and blue skies came about. Patrick still had his camera out and enjoyed my giddiness. It put a smile on his face.
We had been out for hours and it was time to head back. The boat ride back to Friday Harbor was about 35 minutes. Many boats now occupied Puget Sound and it had turned into the most beautiful day. We pulled up and I was so excited to take off that silly suit. Pat and I then decided on some mexican food for dinner after walking around the town for a bit. We finished our plates and it was time to board the ferry home. I stayed close to him and used the excuse of "being cold" to cuddle him the whole way home. I still had thoughts racing through my mind. This was the second above and beyond date he had taken me on. The ferry came to a stop and we headed for the car so that we could get home. We were both chilly and warmed up as soon as he turned the key. The ride home consisted of me scrolling through the camera, more country music, and each other. It wasn't long before we pulled up to my place.
Do I kiss him? This was the second date and I never kiss on the first date. I know he and I agreed not to rush things and I knew that he wouldn't be upset if he didn't get one. Patrick respected me. He walked me to my front door, and hugged me. There was a pause and in that moment I decided to wrap my arms back around him, and thanked him for such a wonderful date. He kissed my forehead and said goodnight with a smile on his face replying "my pleasure" as he cradle my head in his hands. He was going to have to wait a little longer for a kiss. Believe me I wanted to lay one on him the night of the concert and the look in his eyes that he gave me that night made me want to kiss him then and there. I unlocked the door and went in. I was all smiles and my feelings for Pat grew every second. With a simple text, gesture, or date he sure swept me off me feet. I was head over heels in like. Did I want to admit it? Of course not. Could I help it? Not at all. The heart wants what the heart wants and I continued to let my heart lead as Pat and I became inseparable.
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